Stand ID: 110

Sweet Pee

Stand Hours: 11-330

Our Stand Goal is:


So far we have raised...


Meet the team

This year’s fundraiser holds special meaning for our family in more ways than one as Captain LE. Munroe has type 1 Diabetes AND works where your proceeds will directly impact.

This year, the proceeds will go towards the Stollery Children’s Hospital Pediatric Diabetes Education Centre.

We primarily provide initial & ongoing support and education to families of children diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Three half days of multidisciplinary education are provided to the newly diagnosed with 24/7 support available going forward.
Current education must be concise and directed toward the parent/caregiver due to staffing and budget limitations.

Children are involved as developmentally appropriate but are often left with many questions and fears about the new changes in their little lives.

These funds will enable PDEC to create an online educational platform, empowering children, teens, and their families to better understand their diagnosis and lifelong management. Research shows that achieving normal glucose levels early on significantly reduces the risk of diabetes-related complications. Let’s work together to set these kids up for a healthier future!

Personally, I was fortunate to be diagnosed at 13, old enough to understand my condition and actively engage in the education process. I also had the advantage of a family with a medical background who recognized the importance of managing diabetes well. Most families do not share this experience.

With this new educational tool we really hope to empower children and families towards being experts in Type 1 DM.

Join us at our lemonade stand fundraiser to support the Pediatric Diabetes Education Centre! Every cup you buy helps kids with diabetes get the education and resources they need to thrive. Your support means the world to these children and their families—together, we can make a real difference in their lives.

Lemon Captains

  • Christina Munroe

Junior Lemon Squeezers

  • Aurora
  • Briar

We're located at:

36 Acacia Link, Leduc, AB T9E 0C8, Canada

Stand Hours:
