Frequently Asked Questions
Do we have to host our stand in YEG?
No, you can host your stand at your campsite, holiday location or grandma & grandpa’s house. As long as you have permission, you can set up anywhere! To date, Comox, BC was our furthest location.
Are we able to host a stand on public property (park, store…etc)?
We strongly encourage you to host your stand on your property. If you would like to host a stand in a public park you would have to call 311 to inquiry about permits and insurance needed. To host in front of a store, we recommend you ask the manager of the store and inquiry about insurance or permits needed.
What if someone does not want to come to our stand?
That is ok, if they still want to donate they can donate to your personal donation page.
How much does a kit cost?
There is no cost for the kit. Simply Supper provides a kit that is filled with all the essentials needed to run a stand – all you need to do is pick a location, stand name, time and fun!
I would like to be sponsor of the event?
See our sponsorship package or email Monita at [email protected]
Where does the money from Lemonade Stand Day get donated to?
All the money raised gets donated to the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. Proceeds from this year's event will support the Stollery Pediatric Diabetes Education Centre (PDEC).
How can people donate? Can we accept cash?
You can accept donations of any kind – cash, your stand specific online donation link or cheques. (Cheques need to be made out to “Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation”).
Do we have to have a hand washing station?
No, but it is recommended.
Does our stand have to be on the Lemonade Stand Day map?
No, when registering you can select to not be on the map.
How old do our children need to be to participate?
Any age is welcome to participate, even adults!
Can our friends join our stand?
Of course! We will provide one kit per stand and will provide a shirt for every Junior Lemon Squeezer participating. (Please note shirts are first come first serve at kit pick up)
What is included in the Lemonade Stand Day Kit?
Each year our kits are put together by our planning committee and include some of the key items for hosting a stand like Lemonade, materials to make a poster, DIY projects, idea sheets and some other fun things for our Junior Lemon Squeezers to enjoy!
When can we pick up our kits?
Kits will be ready for pick up the week prior to Lemonade Stand Day on Monday, August 19, 2024 between 12-7pm. Detailed information about kit pick up will be emailed out in August to registered stand holders.
What hours do we need to run our stand?
You pick the hours…you can run your stand for 1 hour or all day. Be sure to pick a time that is best for your Junior Lemon Squeezers…we want them to enjoy the day.
What if we are not here on August 25th and we would still like to host a stand on a different day?
Our kits are not ready until the week prior to Lemonade Stand Day. If you would like to host a stand with your own supplies and still donate your proceeds towards our fundraiser, please still register and indicate that on your registration form.
Can we sell alcohol?
No. Selling of alcohol is NOT permitted.
Will you be providing tax receipts?
Yes, for a donation of $25 or more a tax receipt option is available from the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation and will be sent out within 3 months of the event.
Can we use the LSD & Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation logo to promote our stand?
Yes, but it is important to use our logos that are clear, not blurry or stretched. Please email us to get sent the files.
Get In Touch
This fundraiser lets our kids help kids.
Still have questions? Pop us an email at [email protected]
Have other questions or want to see how else you can help?